Catchment Mapping using drones and terrestrial laser scanning
Dempsey May
Dempsey’s project aimed at using survey techniques to capture, model, and extract information of a water catchment system at Beringbooding rock. The rock catchment was modelled using photogrammetry reconstructed from aerial photography captured by a drone flight. The modelled catchment was then used with standard hydrological modelling and historical rainfall data to estimate rainfall collection potential of the catchment.
The existing tank at the base of the rock was captured with Terrestrial Laser Scanning. Geometric objects were then fitted to the resulting point cloud so that volumes could be calculated. The tank was estimated at having a total storage capacity of 10009.56 cubic metres, which compared to the historical quoted volume is different by 1.04%. In addition, the volume of water that was stored in the tank at the survey was estimated at being 2484.50 cubic metres, which accounts for 24.82% of the tanks total volume.
The total net annual water capture is estimated at being 7929.18 cubic metres, this accounts for both the inflow of water from the catchment and the outflow due to evaporation.
Beringbooding Rock Mapping