Canning Stock Route
Team & Projects
Wayne Garwood is a senior surveyor working for BHP Billiton in Newman. Wayne has travelled most of the Canning Stock Route and was also present on the Rabbit Proof Fence Expedition in 2006 and the 2008 Canning Stock Route Expedition.
Eugene Browne is a retired licensed surveyor, he too has travelled through outback Australia and was also part of the Rabbit Proof Fence Expedition in 2006 and the 2008 Canning Stock Route Expedition. Eugene now lectures at TAFE.
John Walker is also a senior lecturer at Curtin University and also the survey store-man. John has extensive experience in station management and has travelled through most of outback Australia. Throughout his station management days John learnt how to cook some good bush tucker, thus John is the cook for the expedition
Tony Snow is a licensed surveyor, is on the Land Surveyors Licensing Board (LSBS) and has travelled through outback Australia. Tony is also the lecturer over seeing the project.
Craig Tranter has taken the role of overall manager of the expedition for his project. His role of project manager involves a number of tasks, including working closely with each of the mentors to organize sponsorship, a work plan (with the help of Landgate), creating the day to day itinerary for the expedition and organisation of weekly meetings and help with the other student projects.
Oliver Pilot will be completing the spatial upgrade of the Canning Stock Route for his project as requested by the geodetic department at Landgate. This will involve using various GPS and terrestrial surveying techniques to upgrade the numerous survey marks to SSM’s with known accurate positions.
Greg Suffling will be focusing his project on the new AusGeoid to check how it fits with the current benchmarks etc along the stock route. This will be done by using AusPos (for at least 6 hours) to gain accurate position and height of each of the found survey marks. The results from this project will be of great benefit to both Landgate and Curtin Universities Spatial Science Research Department
Jia Teh will be using the OmniStar HP GPS sytem to try and locate all of the original survey marks placed by A. Canning along the track.